Goals and Initiatives

AAP works toward creating and expanding our inclusive teaching and learning envioronment by setting goals and taking collective action toward meaningful change within and beyond our college.


  • Promote dialogue and interaction among individuals from different backgrounds through workshops, trainings, and heritage months programming

  • Work collaboratively with various offices to promote student success and address the needs of students of color, LGBTQ+ students, first-generation college students, international students, and other underrepresented student populations

  • Serve as a critical leader in fostering a campus culture in which differences are embraced and work to advance the college's mission of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging through actively creating, supporting, and carrying out college-wide diversity initiatives



Building a Just and Equitable AAP: A Living Document and Action Plan

The action plan covers four critical areas that help the college move purposefully toward an inclusive and just learning environment and climate. The plan builds on our history as well as the work already underway at AAP and across the university. To make the plan possible, we prioritize learning about and responding to our institutional landscape through the lens of our community of AAP faculty, staff, and students.

Reach out to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to learn more about the Living Action Plan. 

Council for Diversity + Inclusion

Following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020  and ongoing reports of racialized violence and bias — faculty, staff, students, and alumni partnered with college leadership to form AAP's Council for Diversity + Inclusion. The council is charged with initiating a comprehensive assessment report; a new director of diversity and inclusion staff position and unit office; and a renewed focus on recruitment processes, curricular updates, and accountability and redress and procedures.

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